
誠摯邀請報名參加“Venture and growth investing in the new, post 'free capital' era” 演講

學長姊您們好Dear students and alumni,
商學院國際事務辦公室,政大EMBA校友會、政大IMBA校友會、政大企家班校友會及政大DBA校友會,誠摯邀請您報名參加Venture and growth investing in the new, post 'free capital' era演講。
The Office of International Programs, EMBA Alumni Association, IMBA Alumni Association, Alumni Association of Executives Program and DBA Alumni Association sincerely invite you to sign up the “Venture and growth investing in the new, post 'free capital' era” speech.
-講員Speaker: Denes Ban 講師介紹
-日期Date:       111年12月6日星期二/ Tuesday December 6th, 2022
-時間Time:      晚上7:00 – 9:00/ 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
-地點Venue:    A646會議廳,6樓政大公企中心(台北市大安區金華街187號
A646 Lecture Theater, 6F of the Center for Public and Business Administration Education (No.187, Jinhua St., Da’an Dist., Taipei City)
全程以英文進行,現場備有同步口譯Speech will be conducted in English, simultaneous Interpretation will be provided. 
報名網址: https://forms.gle/FFEsPH8EeGY6jB4w5
Sign up: https://forms.gle/FFEsPH8EeGY6jB4w5

演講大綱Speech Outline:
After two years of global crises that have sparked the rapid digital transformation of everyday life – from schooling to shopping, from entertainment to health, we are now forced to confront supply-chain pressures, a plague of cyberattacks on critical infrastructure, a major war and high inflation. Amid this mounting chaos, technology has proved to be a critical tool to help us manage our everyday lives and solve a raft of problems – from producing vaccines, to erecting cyber defenses and sourcing alternative food and energy supplies.
創投 (VC) 是推動技術創新的動力。在形塑未來的關鍵角色上,VC為投資者提供最佳的報酬,近年來投資於VC的金額屢創新高。隨著科技新創公司的生命週期遞延(成熟、上市並被併購退場),Alpha公司的募資從公開資本市場轉向私募市場。但參與VC的投資機會仍僅限於少數的專屬俱樂部(exclusive clubs)。
Venture capital (VC) is the fuel powering the innovation that creates this new technology. The critical role of VC in shaping our future is reflected in the best returns for investors and the record sums pouring into the asset class. As tech startups delay their exits, the alpha is moving from public to private markets. But access to VC remains limited to an exclusive club of a select few.
Denes Ban 從創業者轉為投資人,現在經營一家以色列先進的投資基金Our Crowd。他個人投資逾100家公司,其中15家成為獨角獸。他目前擔任劍橋大學創新影響力委員會委員(Cambridge University’s Innovation for Impact),以及生活方式雜誌諮詢委員會成員(註:Lifestyles Magazine,屬慈善性質之雜誌),曾在哈佛、凱洛格(Kellogg School)、歐洲工商管理學院(INSEAD)等大學教授課程,培訓全球數千名 CEO 和企業家
Denes Ban is serial entrepreneur turned serial investor now managing one of Israel’s leading VC funds. He personally invested in over 100 companies of which 15 became unicorns. He sits on the Advisory Board of Cambridge University’s Innovation for Impact and the world’s leading philanthropic magazine, Lifestyles Magazine, Denes has been lecturing at universities such as Harvard, Kellogg, INSEAD, and CKGSB, training thousands of CEOs and entrepreneurs around the world.
主辦單位Hosted by: 
政大商院國際事務辦公室Office of International Programs, NCCUC
合辦單位Co-hosted by:
政大EMBA校友會EMBA Alumni Association, NCCU
政大IMBA校友會IMBA Alumni Association, NCCU
政大企家班校友會Alumni Association of Executives Program, NCCU
政大DBA校友會DBA Alumni Association, NCCU
協辦單位Jointly hosted by:
政大創新國際學院International College of Innovation, NCCU